Governance Leadership Forged in Crisis

This session is an online interactive review of where governance is now, how we arrived here and where next for governance in a post Covid-19 world.

  • Tuesday 10th November – 2pm (Zoom)
  • Tuesday 10th November – 6.30pm – (Zoom)
  • Wednesday 11th November – 10am (Zoom)

Trainer:   Alan Richards, National Leader of Governance 

Test Book online


Never in living memory have our schools had to close and deal with a crisis like the Covid-19 pandemic. Schools have had to deal with closure, provide education for the children of key/critical workers and vulnerable children, provide effective safeguarding remotely, support home learning, risk assess a limited opening and full opening of schools and provide a recovery curriculum all in a space of 3 months. As American Congressman Rahm Emanuel said “Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste”. We will explore the lessons learned and what next in Governance.


This interactive session will cover:

  • Strategic Leadership in a crisis
  • What happened in governance and the governance response
  • The Governors role in Risk Assessment, health and safety
  • What new skills are needed in governance
  • How to Challenge and Support in times of Crisis

By the end of the session participants will:

  • Have a much clearer understanding  of Strategic Leadership
  • Have identified lessons learned in the crisis
  • Know how to challenge Recovery Plans and Policies
  • Be equipped to plan governance oversight 
  • Be prepared for more disruption and interruption


Anyone in governance and school Senior Leadership who is passionate about School Improvement and improving outcomes for children.

Test Book online

To book a place this course please select the “Book Online” button above then select the course.
If you have any difficulties, please email
Cost   –  Your school will be invoiced after the course.

Zoom training courses cost £10 per person.

Courses at the Holiday Inn cost £30 per governor from schools in BGA membership, £20 per governor if two governors attend from the same GB and £15 per governor if three or more governors attend from the same GB. The cost for governors from schools not in BGA membership is £50 per person.

If you book and are then unable to attend please email, Phone 01226 790460 or cancel through the booking system from the email you receive.
Failure to do this may result in your school being charged.
Refreshments at the Holiday Inn (subject to current restrictions)
The Holiday Inn is on Barnsley Road, Dodworth Road, Barnsley S75 3 JT.
Parking is available at the front of or at the side of the Holiday Inn. The training room is on the first floor and there is a lift.
Please let us know if you have any special requests.