Virtual School

The Virtual School isn’t an actual school building with its own pupils; it’s the name for the group of professionals who are involved in supporting and providing education for Barnsley’s looked after children.
As headteacher of the Virtual School, Liz Gibson has a vital job ensuring that the needs of Barnsley’s looked after children are met in our schools.
Liz’s responsibilities include:
  • Monitoring the attendance, progress and outcomes for all looked after children
  • Advising, challenging and supporting school staff including designated teachers for looked after children
  • Working with staff in Children’s Social Care to identify appropriate school placements for looked after children
  • Overseeing LAC pupil premium funding to further educational outcomes for all looked after children
  • Helping Barnsley to develop a strong corporate parent role
Looked after children include children subject to a care order or accommodated under sec 20, children and young people who have left local authority care up to the age of 18 (25 if the person has special educational needs) if adopted or subject to special guardianship or child arrangement orders.
Governors have duties towards looked after children too:
  • To ensure that there is a designated teacher with overall responsibility for looked after children in their school, and that the designated teacher is in a senior position and able to effect strategic change
  • To receive a report at least once a year on how the needs of looked after children are being met, including the impact of PP funding
  • To ask if their school is inclusive, for example checking that policies consider looked after children
Governors can learn more by reading the attached briefing note and by clicking on the link to the virtual school below:-
                                  Virtual School